Ted Talk Decision Making Poker

  1. Ted Talk Decision Making Poker Strategy
  2. Ted Talk Decision Making Poker Games

Ted Talk Decision Making Poker Strategy

Is it better to be lucky or good? Should we trust our gut feelings or rely on probabilities and careful analysis when making important decisions? These 7 TED talks have completely changed how I make decisions. Psychologists have found decision-making is fraught with hidden influences, tricky nuances, and the ability to.

by Shriya GhatePosted on 20 Nov, 2020
  1. Playing poker is like planning for the future in one sense: You’re making decisions with limited information, and a lot depends on chance. You can control what you do with only the cards and chips you have; you can’t control what cards you or your opponents are dealt, or what the other players do.
  2. Decision-making effectiveness suffers by up to 40% when we focus on two cognitive tasks at the same time. So when you need to make important decisions, carve out and commit to several blocks of.
  3. At around this time, in 2005, the poker boom happened, and Caspar had already started speaking professionally so he moved to London to create a portfolio career as a trainer for the Mind Gym by day (delivering over 400 sessions to 100 companies) and a TV poker commentator by night (doing over 2000 hours of live broadcasting on poker channels.
Ted Talk Decision Making Poker

A world renowned former pro poker player, a decision strategist, an author and a performance coach–Annie Duke is all this and much more! Today, many Indians had the good fortune of listening to this maverick as she gave a talk on better decision making for Motilal Oswal Investments earlier this evening.

Conducted on Zoom and streamed simultaneously on YouTube, the talk went on for a little more than hour but for anyone who was listening, seemed to end too soon! Although focused on investment-based decision making, her strategies and rules seemed to apply to many areas including hiring staff to leading projects and even to personal life.

Ted Talk Decision Making Poker Games

Ted Talk Decision Making Poker

Last month, Annie released her book How to Decide: Simple Tools for Making Better Choiceswhich looks at the finer points of decision making. This evening’s talk centered around the chapters in this book as well as some key principles from her 2018 book, Thinking in Bets: Making Smarter Decisions When You Don’t Have All The Facts.

Some of the key takeaways from the talk included hindsight bias, “the common tendency for people to perceive past events as having been more predictable than they actually were”; ‘resulting’ or judging a decision based on its outcome; knowledge tracking, which includes all the information you can have before making a decision and the cost of getting that information; as well as the three Ps of decision-making, namely Preferences, Payoffs and Probabilities.

The talk received a healthy viewership of upwards of 400 people watching the live stream, with some famous names from the Indian poker scene including Muskan Sethi in attendance. See here:


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